Richmond, Canada
13900 Maycrest Way Unit 135
We recently discovered Jan & Jul products and now we’re hooked! The quality is amazing, the prices are affordable. Every item has been designed with functionality and style in mind. I love knowing it’s a family owned business and it’s very interesting and fun to see their team in action through social media. Also love the fact that they offer a variety of products so our kids are covered no matter the season! Can’t wait to try the unbreakable sunglasses next!
Our family LOVES Jan & Jul for our little one’s outdoor gear! The winter and rain gear is actually waterproof and the fleece lined jackets/pants/suits/mittens work great for Minnesota winters. Everything is also machine washable and the muddiest things come out looking like new. I also love their barefoot style shoe options for year round- I searched for a long time to find flexible, lightweight, affordable, waterproof winter boots for my son’s wide feet and so glad I found Jan & Jul! The Lite Winter Boots and Winter Booties are both wonderful for growing feet. For summer, we are huge fans of their knit and play shoes and their flexible sunglasses for kiddos. Thank you for being such a wonderful company!
Jan and Jul has easily become our favourite brand for kids outerwear! The breeze knit and explorer knit shoes are my sons first choice for the warmer months, and he can put them on independently which is great! We especially love all of their waterproof rain gear for our wet west coast winters. It’s so important to me that I can trust what we’re using for protection from all the elements and the quality of their products is absolutely amazing! They hold up so well through washing and all the rough play on adventures we take. I can not recommend this brand enough!!
Came for the sunhats, stayed for... everything! I have yet to come across any item from this company that I am not completely blown away by. Super high quality, smart designs that make my kids want to be outside. Highly recommend!
I discovered Jan and Jul by chance when searching for shoes for my son about 2 years ago. We love the great quality and easy to use knit shoes in the summer as well as the toasty dry boots in the winter. Their products are great quality, deliver quickly and are great value for something that is only worn for 6 months before it's time to size up! After that, the products are still in great shape to hand-down. Their customer service team is very helpful as well with any questions or support required, and they are local which I'm a big fan of.
I ordered my 2 boys some fleece lined rain pants for Christmas. I was very impressed with the quality and my boys absolutely loved them. These are great because they can be worn over several seasons. We added extra layers for the cold winter and they can continue wearing them through the wet spring weather! I loved them so much we now have a coat, sunglasses, mittens, another pair of pants and knit shoes. We love it all, everything is well thought out to what a child needs for a fun time outdoors! We will definitely continue to purchase Jan & Jul items.
We love this Canadian children’s company so much! Not only do they offer thoughtfully designed and stylish clothing and footwear with kids and parents’ in mind, they do it while putting comfort and functionality first! So important for busy little kiddos. Jan and Jul make dressing your child so much easier. Can’t recommend them enough!
I absolutely love Jan and Jul's clothing. The rain suits are warm enough even for Ontario fall/ ice rain. The clothing is so well made and can withstand even the roughest play. The patterns are cute and will garner many compliments from people. Best of all, my 2yo kiddo really likes the clothing. The Jan and Jul knit hat with flaps (fox print) is the ONLY hat he will wear -- even tries to put it on himself. He can sit in rain puddles for hours wearing his rain suit and never get wet. Plus, it is so nice to support a Canadian company. Highly recommend.
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