INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER AUDITING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION is rated 3 out of 5 in the category nonprofit organization management. Read and write reviews about INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER AUDITING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. The name of the society is INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER AUDITING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (ICAEA), also know as INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION for COMPUTER AUDITING EDUCATION (IACAE). It is registered as a non-profit organization in BC, Canada with Society Incorporation Number S-0060477. The purposes of the society are: ● to give the potential computer auditors an overview of the main activities of computer audit and the role of computer auditor; ● to assist the potential computer auditors to become a successful computer auditor; ● to define the competency of a computer auditor; ● to define the learning map of a computer auditor; ● to evaluate the professional quality of a computer auditor.
Company size
1-10 employees